Posted on June 18, 2014 in Breath Test Refusal

If you are involved in a car accident in Arizona, chances are you will be feeling emotionally fraught and disoriented. Unfortunately, you may then be faced with police questioning and investigations to determine whether you were at fault in the incident. If there is any suspicion that alcohol was involved in the crash, you may also be asked to submit to a Breathalyzer test, field sobriety tests or other tests aimed at looking if intoxication is present.

Refusing such tests can have significant legal consequences. However, you may worry that the Breathalyzer could be inaccurate, or that other tests may falsely incriminate you. It is important to know your rights and stay calm during the investigation.

In New York, a 46-year-old man was investigated by police after his car crashed through a fence into someone’s front yard, allegedly breaking a utility pole in the process. The early-evening crash caused a power outage in the area that lasted for several hours. Reports suggest that the driver veered off the road after crossing into the oncoming lane.

Police suspect that the driver was intoxicated. He was unwilling to take a breath test. Nevertheless, he now faces a DWI charge, as well as tickets for changing lanes inappropriately and not maintaining a safe speed. He also received a ticket in relation to his refusal of the test.

When police ask you to take a test for detecting intoxication, it can be difficult to decide what to do on the spur of the moment. Whether you refuse the test or not, an attorney can help you navigate the resulting situation. With his or her support, you may be able to avoid conviction and challenge other legal consequences, such as license revocation.

Source: Post Star, “Glens Falls man charged with DWI after crash through utility pole, fence,” June 12, 2014

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