A hit and run accident occurs when a driver of a car involved in an accident leaves the scene. This is known as a hit and run. In the state of Arizona, the law requires anyone who has been in an accident where any property or bodily damage has occurred to stay at the scene of the accident. If you have left the scene of an accident and are charged with a hit and run, our experienced Mesa criminal defense attorneys at Rosenstein Law Group can help. We have years of experience representing those facing these charges out of Mesa. We can draft the best possible legal defense for your situation.
In Mesa, Arizona, the penalties are broken into two sections: misdemeanors and felonies. Each has different classes, which makes a difference in the penalties. These are the maximum penalties possible.
Our Arizona hit-and-run attorneys help those facing these serious charges in and around Mesa.
There are several ways one of our criminal defense attorneys can argue your case for leaving the scene of an accident. If you were forced to leave the scene due to unsafe conditions, such as the other driver was driving recklessly or even if there was poor weather, this may be a viable defense. Another defense is when you did not believe that the other person involved in the accident was injured. These arguments can be used to minimize your penalties. Our legal team will work with the prosecutor to help you avoid a criminal record.
When you’re being charged with leaving the scene of an accident, it’s important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you. At Rosenstein Law Group, we can work on helping you stay out of jail and receive the minimum penalty possible. To schedule a consultation to speak with our experienced hit and run accident lawyer, call 480-248-7666 today.