Every state differs in the penalties for a DUI offense. The average person spends a day or two in jail for a first offense DUI and in many cases can still drive to work via a work permit. Some argue that the penalties aren’t harsh enough; others say the indirect penalties alone are enough to seriously damage an individual’s life.
In Arizona, a person can receive up to 180 days in jail for a DUI along with a suspended license. In most cases, however, many actually serve no more than a few days and are even able to drive to and from work. Advocates against drunk driving argue that penalties for DUI offenders are too lenient and amount to a slap on the hand. Even adding in court fines and community service to the equation, some say, doesn’t penalize drunk drivers enough.
Some argue that people focus too much on direct penalties associated with a DUI offense and fail to comprehend the collateral damage that stems from a DUI conviction.
Unsuspected Collateral Damage of a DUI
Many DUI offenders take note of the penalties listed under the law they could face. However, many fail to identify or comprehend the unforeseen consequences of a DUI including:
Both direct and indirect costs associated with a DUI conviction can have a devastating effect on a person’s life. If you or someone you know has been convicted or is currently facing a DUI, whether it’s a first, second or third offense, contacting an experience DUI attorney in your area is vital.