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Posted on March 28, 2012 in BAC

It wasn’t a vacation. Attorneys Craig Rosenstein and A.J. Hall were invited to a seminar in New Orleans called Mastering Scientific Evidence. It was hosted by the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD). It is an intensive multi-day course on scientific principles and forensics surrounding blood, breath, and urine currently used in crime labs. Some of the country’s most reputable forensic scientists taught the country’s best DUI lawyers the intricacies in representing clients accused of impaired driving. It is in-depth knowledge of how crime labs work, and some of the scientific short comings within those labsto produce erroneous results, that separate the attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group from other attorneys practicing DUI defense in Arizona. If you are accused of impaired driving, you should immediately contact the attorneys at Rosenstein LawGroup to help extricate you from the criminal justice system.

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