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Posted on March 5, 2012 in DUI Consequences

The short answer is: maybe. Right now the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) is figuring out how to implement some of the changes in the 2012 Arizona DUI Law, known as SB 1200. It is a common misunderstanding to think that the law reduced the interlock requirement in Arizona to 6 months. What it does is offer some people a deferment of 6 months aftersuccessful completion of 6 months. This deferment can be revoked at anytime and may not be offered. Its retroactivity to 2011 and earlier arrests is very much in question, but currently Arizona MVD seems inclined to only offer to people with dates of violation after Jan 1, 2012. This may change. What’s more interesting are some provisions that willallow individuals to not have ignition interlock on at all. Yes- No interlock!! If you’ve been arrested for a DUI call a competent Arizona DUI attorney and see if they can help navigate you to a situation with no interlock requirement.

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