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Posted on March 19, 2013 in General DUI Topics

March Madness is finally here, and while your employers surely are dreading this time of year (studies show that productivity plummets), at the Rosenstein Law Group we could not be more excited. Something else to be excited about right now is this new deal we spotted from LivingSocial, a portable breathalyzer for your iPhone or iPad. Here is the link . It is important to remember that we are not the only ones who realize that March Madness brackets and beers go together like UofA basketball and the Final Four. The notorious DUI task force will be out waiting to catch you driving while impaired, and will use any excuse to get you to blow into their portable breathalyzer. So why not use this device before you leave the bar, and give your BAC an estimate, and if your even close take a cab. The best way to avoid a DUI arrest is to not get behind the wheel. If you are pulled over and have been drinking even the smallest amount of alcohol check out what to do if pulled over. People are falsely accused of DUI every day. You need an experienced DUI lawyer to help extricate you from the criminal justice system.

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