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Posted on November 28, 2013 in DUI Charges

Being prepared when it comes to dealing with legal issues can make a great deal of difference in a person’s situation. If a person is charged with drunk driving, they may wish to gather information relevant to their circumstances to better understand how to move forward. Such charges typically lead to one or more court appearances, and information on those proceedings could also help an accused individual prepare.

An Arizona man may wish to prepare for such a situation as he is currently facing charges for DUI. An officer was reportedly alerted to the accused when his vehicle was moving slowly down a roadway and a woman exited the vehicle. The alleged driver and the woman apparently were in an argument, and the officer purportedly thought it was a domestic disturbance.

When the officer approached, both the accused driver and the female reportedly informed him that the situation was fine and that they were just having a disagreement. The officer then allegedly noticed that the driver’s eyes were bloodshot, and the accused purportedly claimed to have consumed alcohol earlier that night. The accused apparently did not perform requested field sobriety tests in a satisfactory manner.

The accused driver reportedly pleaded not guilty after he was charged with drunk driving. As a result, he may wish to pursue his legal options to determine the best line of defense against the allegations. Arizona state laws dealing with DUI and others that are relevant to his situation could provide him with reliable knowledge that may shed light on ways to create a strong defense.

Source: paysonroundup.com, Tribal council member charged with extreme DUI, Alexis Bechman, Nov. 22, 2013

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