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Posted on February 7, 2014 in DUI Arrest

With warm weather just around the corner, people are starting to book vacations and put on their swimsuits and party hats. Lake Havasu City, Arizona has been the premier destination spot for spring breakers looking to have some fun. However, if you’re headed toward the party city, be cautious because law enforcement in the area are taking seriousactions towards drinking and driving, which can lead to jail time and loss of license.

Here’s an insider’s tip: make sure to use your blinkers and turn into the closest lane. When monitoring the roadways for intoxicated motorists, law enforcement officers will often be looking for any small moving violation. When questioning the driver, officers will look for other signs of impairment. Often drivers who get pulled over becomefearful and succumb to the officer’s every request, which could get them into trouble later on. If you are ever pulled over for a DUI while on vacation, these tips from our Rosenstein Law Group website will help keep you know what to do.

Another way for law enforcement to monitor the roadways is through sobriety checkpoints. This is where law enforcement officers block off a section of a roadway and screen all drivers that are attempting to travel through the region at a specific period of time. What drivers don’t know is that these officers have to follow a very detailed process forsobriety checkpoints. Such procedures include:

· Checking all vehicles that travel through the roadblock.

· The checkpoint must be visible to motorists from at least 100 yards away.

· Having a signal that informs motorists of the sobriety checkpoint.

If at a sobriety checkpoint a driver is suspected of being intoxicated and fails the field sobriety test, they will be asked to take a preliminary breath test (PBT). Drivers must know that they are not required to take a PBT test, and in fact may benefit from respectfully declining to take one, as it may be used as evidence against them at a later date. Most importantly, make sure you have the Rosenstein Law Group number, (480)248-7666, in your phone just in case you need it.

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