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Posted on April 17, 2014 in DUI Arrest

Summer is quickly approaching and people are starting to plan their summer getaways. Whether you are jetting off to a tropical paradise or hopping a short plane ride over to California for your vacation, here is a little insider tip, FLY responsibly.

US Airlines just announced that they are now offering craft beer on their flights. “[Passengers] want to drink in the air what they are drinking on the ground.” Traditionally, craft beers have higher alcohol content than the domestic Bud Light, Coors Light brands. This fact poses an interesting question which can relate to all alcohol served onflights: Are passengers who drink on their flight going to be safe to drive when they get off their flights?

To answer that question you have to know what type of transportation you are going to use once you land at your destination. Are you going to be taking a taxi or a shuttle? Or are you going to drive? If you are planning on driving your car or getting a rental vehicle, then know that you are subject to the DUI laws of that state. The state of Arizona, for example, has a zero-tolerance policy and consequences for first time offenses will, at a minimum involve jail time, high fines, a suspended license, and an ignition interlock system installed in your vehicle for at least a year after your license is reissued.

Here at the Rosenstein Law Group, we focus on DUI defense throughout Arizona. Contact our office today at 480-248-7666, if you or someone you know was charged with a DUI. Our staff of experienced andhard-working attorneys will work with you to come up with the best defense for your case, and work to get you the best possible outcome.

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