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Posted on April 29, 2014 in DUI Arrest

Arizona’s harsh penalties for a DUI conviction have been very well documented in this blog. However, what happens when we apply these penalties to people that are visiting Arizona and have been convicted of a DUI?

The Rosenstein Law Group practices in all courts of Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima counties of Arizona. Whether it is tourists, ASU students, or “snow birds,” we have provided DUI defense to many people whosepermanent address resides in another state. We do our homework to ensure that you know the consequences you may face for an Arizona DUI.

Getting an out of state DUI in Arizona may result in jail time, and therefore also affects your driver’s license, insurance rates, and even your employment in your home state. For example, if a resident in Arizona gets a DUI in Arizona, they may have to servejail time if convicted. During their sentence, there is a possibility they could get a work order privilege, which will allow them to maintain their job while serving their sentence. If an out of state resident has to serve their jail time in Arizona that could put their job at risk, as most employers are not as willing to give 30 days off for serving a jailsentence.

Other consequences for a regular DUI include having a Class 1 misdemeanor on your record, which to a potential employer puts you in the same category as assault and battery, burglary, and fraud convictions. Also, your records and convictions will be transparent to law enforcement in your state, as well as your state’s department of motor vehicles andyour auto insurance company.

If you or someone you know live out of state and have been arrested for a DUI while in Arizona, please give us a call at 480-248-7666. Craig Rosenstein and his group of top defense attorneys use proven strategies to challenge DUIarrests. We will walk you through the DUI laws in Arizona and can appear in court on your behalf if you need to leave Arizona.

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