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Posted on June 19, 2014 in DUI Arrest

Many diabetics often experience low blood sugar levels, also known as hypoglycemia. When a diabetic person reaches such a state they can show symptoms commonly associated with an intoxicated driver. For example, they may have slurred speech, poor balance, may appear drowsy, and have impaired motor abilities. As you can imagine being pulled over by a policeofficer while experiencing these symptoms will most likely lead to failed field sobriety tests.

Another unfortunate circumstance a diabetic experiencing hypoglycemia may have to be prepared for is inaccurate breath test results. A blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol present in a person bloodstream. The testing device uses infrared light that are absorbed by the chemical compounds in the breath. When officers administer BAC teststhey are measuring the amount of ethyl, which is what is found in alcoholic beverages, on a person’s breath. However, a diabetic with hypoglycemia can develop ketoacidosis, which can cause acetone in the mouth. When taking a breath test this acetone can commonly be mistaken by the device as ethyl.

Therefore, a diabetic has an increased possibility of appearing intoxicated by a police officer and giving a higher reading on a BAC test. If you are a diabetic and are facing a DWI and DUI and feel your arrest was unjust based on uncontrollable conditions, you need to contact an attorney at the Rosenstein Law Group. These experienced attorneys will review your case, medical history, and any and all evidence to make sure that your rights are not taken advantage of. They will build an individualized case tailored specifically on your circumstances and get you the bestpossible outcome for your case. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please call our office at 480-248-7666.

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