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Posted on January 20, 2015 in Drivers License Suspension Or Revocation

As many Arizona drivers know, losing your license can be a huge inconvenience. It is easy to forget just how vital being able to drive can be to your day-to-day routine. Do you drive to work or to take your children to school? Do you need your vehicle for grocery shopping or days out with your family? All of these things can be compromised if your license issuspended or revoked.

This can happen for a number of reasons, from refusing a chemical test to determine your blood alcohol content, to being convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Prior convictions can also influence the length of the ban, as can the severity of the offense for which it is enforced.

Fortunately, the state understands that sometimes you need your license just to get by. In certain cases, it is possible to obtain a restricted license, allowing you to make essential journeys, such as getting to your job or making school runs. In other cases you may be able to appeal the suspension in an attempt to have the penalty dropped or reduced.

Whatever the case, an attorney can often be helpful if you are facing the loss of your driver’s license. He or she can explain your rights and may be able to assist you in challenging the penalties you face. Our page on license suspension and revocation alsohas information on the options that may be available to you if you find yourself in this situation.

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