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Posted on January 5, 2015 in Blood Alcohol Tests

It is no secret that Arizona takes drunk driving extremely seriously. Every year, countless families are affected by accidents on the roads caused by people under the influence of alcohol. As such, some areas of the state have decided to crack down on the issue, implementing extrameasures to help them catch drunk drivers.

In one county, more patrols have been added in order to more effectively track down drivers perceived to be impaired. However, this additional enforcement could mean that some drivers are stopped and investigated even if they have had nothing to drink. A minor slip while you are driving could bring you under suspicion.

Fortunately, if you are investigated for drunk driving, you are likely to be asked to undergo a blood alcohol test. This could take the form of a breath test, or may involve blood being physically drawn. However, as long as your BAC is not over the legal limit, you have a good chance of avoiding charges.

However, tests are not always accurate, particularly if the equipment used has been poorly maintained. This could mean that you get charged with drunk driving even if you are completely sober. If this happens, you will need to ensure the matter is fully investigated so that the issue can be resolved and your name cleared.

An attorney could be invaluable in this situation. He or she can advise you on the necessary steps to disprove the test results. Your attorney may also be able to assist you with your defense and support you as you work to preserve your reputation and your future.

Source: Yuma Sun, “YCSO’s extra patrols to hunt for impaired drivers,” James Gilbert, Dec. 24, 2014

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