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Posted on March 13, 2015 in DUI Charges

For drivers in Arizona, being charged with drunk driving is a serious matter. It can lead to license suspension, fines and even prison time, not to mention the mark it leaves on your record. Furthermore, if your charges arise from a road accident, there is a chance that there could be even more complications. After an accident you may already be shaken and worried about whether anyone has been harmed. Having to face a criminal investigation on top of this can be extremely taxing.

In one tragic case in Littlefield, a rollover crash involving a single vehicle has allegedly been connected with speed and alcohol. A 39-year-old passenger in the car was able to alert authorities to the disaster by calling 911. A second passenger was airlifted from the scene with extensive injuries, including broken ribs, arm and leg, internal damage and head trauma. He was reported to be in a critical condition.

The 41-year-old driver of the car died at the scene. If he had survived, he could now be facing the stress and trauma of an investigation, on top of the emotional distress caused by such a tragic event. An autopsy is expected as part of the ongoing investigation into the incident, but alcohol is thought to have been a factor.

A DUI conviction can turn your life upside-down, so if you are faced with charges of this nature, it is important to act quickly. An attorney may be able to help you decide what to do next and assist you in forming your defense. With the right guidance, you may be able to reduce the charges against you or even avoid conviction altogether.

Source: St George News, “One dead, one in critical condition following suspected DUI rollover,” Kimberly Scott, March 9, 2015

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