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Posted on June 12, 2015 in Uncategorized

As most drivers in Arizona are aware, many driving offenses can result in the revocation or suspension of your driver’s license. This can be extremely inconvenient, especially if you rely on your license for work or if you regularly take trips in the car to get groceries, collect children from school or for other such day-to-day activities. Fortunately,suspensions are not usually forever, although getting your license reinstated can be a time-consuming process.

The precise periods for which a license may be removed can vary depending on the offense in question and whether you have any previous convictions. The rules also differ from one state to the next, so it is important to be aware of the rules in your home state. In Arizona, the minimum revocation or suspension time for a first DUI offense is 90 days. This increases to one year for a second offense and three years for a third.

Arizona takes a particularly tough stance on drunk driving and is one of a few states that enforce mandatory jail sentences even for first-time offenders. If convicted, you will also be required to have an ignition interlock device fitted to your vehicle. You may also be referred for treatment for alcohol abuse.

Losing your license can make things hard enough, but a conviction could turn your life upside-down. If you are faced with charges relating to a driving offense or you want to know how to get your license reinstated, there is help available. An attorney can advise you about your options and may be able to assist you with forming your defense.

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