Posted on August 20, 2015 in DUI Charges
It is not uncommon for drivers in Arizona to be intercepted on suspicion of drunk driving. The slightest mistake can make your driving appear erratic and may cause officers to suspect that your driving may be impaired. As a result, you might be Breathalyzed or even asked to submit to a number offield sobriety tests. However, these tests are often quite accurate, so if you have not been drinking, you are likely to be fine.
Nevertheless, many people are arrested each year for driving drunk. This can carry hefty penalties and may turn your life upside-down. Fortunately, however, you may be able to secure a lighter sentence if you follow the correct steps. For example, a 25-year-old man from Safford has been granted a super-mitigated prison sentence.
He was arrested for burglary and DUI offenses, yet his sentence was only 2.5 years for each charge. He also faces a three-year probation, breaching that could result in him being sentenced to six years in prison. The lightened sentence was granted after he stressed to the judge that he wanted to turn his life around and take care of his five children. Evenso, there is continued debate as to the potential effect this could have on the surrounding land.
If you are facing drunk driving charges or, indeed, charges for any related offense, you might benefit from the advice of an attorney. He or she can evaluate the details of your case and may be able to help you identify any flaws in the investigative process. With this guidance, you can work toward clearing your name and avoiding conviction or at leastarranging a plea deal in order to reduce the penalties you will face.
Source: Eastern Arizona Courier, “Chacon sentenced to 2.5 years for burglary, DUI,” Jon Johnson, Aug. 11, 2015