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Posted on April 20, 2016 in DUI Arrest

There may have been a time when a driver who faced a drunk driving charge could navigate the criminal justice system without a lawyer, but those days are long gone. The penalties in Arizona even for a first-time offense of driving under the influence (DUI) of liquor or drugs are among the harshest in the United States.

Ironically, the most important thing to know if you are arrested for drunk driving can be easily remembered by using the same DUI acronym:


Underestimate the

Impact of a drunk driving conviction.

There may have been a time when a driver who faced a drunk driving charge could navigate the criminal justice system without a lawyer, but those days are long gone. The penalties in Arizona even for a first-time offense of driving under the influence (DUI) of liquor or drugs are among the harshest in the United States.

Ironically, the most important thing to know if you are arrested for drunk driving can be easily remembered by using the same DUI acronym:


Underestimate the

Impact of a drunk driving conviction.

By using the DUI acronym to remind you of the severe penalties attached to a DUI conviction in Arizona, you will remember to act quickly to put a knowledgeable DUI attorney in your corner.

Why is a lawyer important?

The outcomes of DUI cases in Arizona vary greatly. By enlisting the assistance of a law firm that handles thousands of these cases every year, you will be putting a vast amount of knowledge on your side about how DUI cases are prosecuted, the leeway prosecutors have to reduce charges and alternative resolutions that can keep a DUI conviction off of yourdriving record.

The last point is perhaps the most important. A DUI conviction – even a first-time conviction – will result in thousands of dollars in fines, court fees, costs for mandatory courses and possible increased auto insurance premiums. It also results in mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device.

Avoid enhanced penalties

Subsequent convictions come with enhanced penalties. For second DUI conviction, the jail term increases to 90 days and your license is revoked for one year. By getting an initial DUI dismissed through a legal challenge or through a settlement that lowers the charge, you eliminate the cost and restrictions that come with a DUI on your record. The cost ofhiring a lawyer to represent you in a DUI case is typically far less than the total costs you will pay following a single DUI conviction.

If you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your first thought should be:


Underestimate the

Impact of a DUI conviction.

Work with an experienced DUI attorney to minimize the impact of any DUI arrest.

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