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Posted on March 3, 2017 in DUI Arrest

If you find yourself in the situation of having a conviction for driving while having any alcohol in your body and you are under the age of 21, you may be wondering why your driver’s license is suspended for two (2) years and if there is any way you will beable to drive within that two (2) year period. Many people in this situation need to drive for work, school or other obligations and being prevented from doing so can have a significant negative effect on their life.

If you find yourself in the situation of having a conviction for driving while having any alcohol in your body and you are under the age of 21, you may be wondering why your driver’s license is suspended for two (2) years and if there is any way you will be able to drive within that two (2) year period. Manypeople in this situation need to drive for work, school or other obligations and being prevented from doing so can have a significant negative effect on their life.

Underage DUI charges have many consequences and penalties that threaten someone’s ability to maintain their livelihood and appear to be detrimental to one continue with their goals. Per A.R.S. § 4-244(34) “Underage Drinking and Driving”, it is illegal for any person under the age oftwenty-one (21) years old to drive or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while there is any spirituous liquor in that person’s body. Although a conviction of this charge by itself doesn’t require any jail time a person can still be sentenced by a judge to jail from anywhere from zero (0) days of jail up to six (6) months of jail. Inaddition, there can be a fine of up to $2,500.00 plus an 84% surcharge. A judge in Arizona can also require a term of probation and alcohol counseling among other terms, including, the mandatory penalty of having the person’s driver’s license suspended for two (2) years.

However, the judge that sentences the person can order that the MVD issue a restricted driving permit which allows the person to drive to and from work, school, and any court ordered alcohol counseling during that two (2) year period. It will take some work on the person convicted to find an insurance company thatwill insure someone in this circumstance and it could be at an incredibly high rate. The harsh penalties for minors driving under the influence can be extremely excessive and can haunt someone for the years to come.

It is important to hire a trained and skilled DUI defense attorney who has knowledge of all the defenses possible when fighting Underage DUI charges in Arizona. A person under the age of 21 can be impacted for the rest of their life and a conviction for Underage DUI can cause negative effects in many areas of theirlife. Having a skilled DUI defense attorney assist with these charges can help significantly reduce the burdens placed on a person facing this type of charge and can help in getting this charge reduced or dismissed.

For more information, call our office 24/7: 480-248-7666

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