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Posted on March 1, 2020 in DUI Consequences

If you’re charged with a DUI, you may fear that you will lose your license as punishment. You have good reason to worry, because Arizona requires a 90-day license suspension for offenders. If you drive to and from work, or if your job requires you to drive, this could impact your livelihood.

Yet it’s possible that you could avoid this mandatory license suspension, or at least its full period. If you’re facing a suspended license, keep these two options in mind.

Request a hearing

In Arizona, you can request a hearing to appeal your DUI charges. The state’s Motor Vehicle Services (MVD) administers the hearing. You must request your hearing within 15 days of your DUI. If you do so, your suspension begins after the decision.

The odds of your appeal’s success depend on whether your arrest was for probable cause. If an officer catches you driving with a blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit, then the odds of your case’s dismissal diminish.This is true whether the officer acted on a mere hunch or observed you disobeying the rules of the road.

Apply for a restricted license

If the MVD denies your appeal, you might still qualify for a restricted license after completing 30 days of your suspension. This restriction hinges upon several factors, which include:

  • Installing an ignition interlock on your vehicle.
  • Attending or completing court-ordered treatment programs.
  • Paying off your legal fees.

These qualifiers may seem stringent. But they can reduce your DUI’s impact on your license.

Learn from your mistake

DUIs can happen to otherwise upstanding people. If your reputation is sterling, you might worry how this charge will impact it. Working with a criminal law professional can help you restore and uphold your livelihood.

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