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Posted on August 25, 2020 in Drugged driving arrest

Labor Day celebrations traditionally include family, friends, food and fun. Another Labor Day tradition begins well before the holiday, however: ramped up DUI patrols across the Phoenix metro area.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) began its “annual high-visibility enforcement campaign” nationwide a few days ago “to help combat drunk- and drug-impaired driving.”

Making their presence known

It should be noted that “high-visibility enforcement campaign” means that police agencies roll out extra DUI patrols, typically concentrated on busy streets and near clubs and bars. In that way, as many drivers as possible see traffic stops and flashing police-car lights and catch glimpses of drivers performing field sobriety tests.

This year’s enforcement focus includes drugged-driving, with officers encouraged to cite drivers who “are impaired by any substance, including prescription or over-the-counter medications,” the NHTSA says.

Deputy NHTSA Administrator Heidi King drives the point home: “we are working hard to raise awareness among the driving public of the fact that driving impaired by drugs is illegal in every state.”

Arizona’s Drug-DUI law

State law is clear on this point: if you drive while impaired by a drug – an illegal substance, prescription medication or over-the-counter medication – you can be arrested and charged with Drug-DUI.

It’s important to fight for your rights, freedom and driving privileges – even if you fail a field sobriety test and even if you’ve tested positive for a drug in your system. Contact a law firm experienced in challenging law enforcement tests to help drivers avoid Arizona’s harsh DUI and Drug-DUI punishments.

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