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Arizona’s DUI Statute: ARS 28-1381

August 29, 2024 | Arizona Revised Statutes,BAC

If you are accused of driving under the influence in Arizona, your exposure to the state’s DUI laws will come in the form of interacting with an Arizona court, judge, and jury. These institutions rely on the state’s statutory system, also known as the Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), to weigh your guilt or innocence. The… read more

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What Does “Actual Physical Control” Mean?

January 13, 2023 | Arizona Revised Statutes,DUI

Under Arizona law, a driver could be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) even without actually having driven a car. This is because Arizona law makes it illegal to be in “actual physical control” of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, whether being in physical control of a… read more

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Penalties for Committing a Hit-and-Run DUI in Arizona

December 22, 2022 | Arizona Revised Statutes,DUI,Vehicular Crimes

Arizona is known for being one of the harshest states in terms of its criminal penalties. A hit-and-run DUI crime is no exception; the consequences for committing this crime are severe. If you get arrested for an alleged hit-and-run DUI in Arizona, contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. Hiring an experienced DUI defense lawyer in… read more

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Can a Tribal Police Officer Detain a DUI Suspect in Arizona?

December 14, 2022 | Arizona Revised Statutes,DUI

There are currently 22 federally recognized Native American tribes in Arizona. The largest is the Navajo Nation, with a population of about 172,800. Native tribes have their own tribal police. These are law enforcement officers hired by the tribe. In general, tribal police only have jurisdiction over crimes committed within their reservations. In the past,… read more

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