Category: BAC

Arizona’s DUI Statute: ARS 28-1381

August 29, 2024 | Arizona Revised Statutes,BAC

If you are accused of driving under the influence in Arizona, your exposure to the state’s DUI laws will come in the form of interacting with an Arizona court, judge, and jury. These institutions rely on the state’s statutory system, also known as the Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), to weigh your guilt or innocence. The… read more

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Common Misconceptions About Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)

June 2, 2023 | BAC

Blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, is a commonly used marker to determine if a driver is operating under the influence. It refers to the percent of alcohol present in a person’s bloodstream, typically measured using a breathalyzer test. In Arizona and most states, the legal driving limit is a BAC of 0.08 percent. Learn a… read more

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ARS 28-1383 Aggravated DUI

May 31, 2022 | Arizona Revised Statutes,BAC,DUI

An aggravated DUI (driving under the influence) crime is a felony charge in Arizona that is punishable with a mandatory minimum prison sentence of four months. Compared to a regular DUI and even an extreme DUI, the penalties connected to an aggravated DUI are very severe. It is important to contact a Scottsdale aggravated DUI… read more

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ARS 28-1382 Extreme DUI

May 31, 2022 | Arizona Revised Statutes,BAC,Blood Alcohol Tests,DUI

The Arizona Legislature takes driving under the influence crimes very seriously. Alcohol use is a top cause of car accidents in the state, which makes it a key concern for Arizona lawmakers. DUI convictions are penalized heavily to warn drivers and others in the community away from committing similar crimes in the future. Call Us… read more

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BAC of over .20 DUI in Arizona

January 14, 2021 | BAC,DUI

A DUI arrest with a BAC over .20 In Arizona is serious. When a person is pulled over drinking and driving, it can be a scary situation. No state is tougher on drunk drivers than Arizona. Those who are convicted of a DUI face numerous consequences that can be life-altering. But for those who have… read more

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