Category: Blood Alcohol Tests

How the Police Choose Between Blood and Breath Tests

August 15, 2023 | Blood Alcohol Tests,Breath Alcohol Testing,DUI

If a police officer believes a driver is operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he or she can arrest the driver on suspicion of violating Arizona’s driving under the influence (DUI) laws. Before an arrest is made, the officer may require the driver to participate in a blood or breath… read more

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ARS 28-1382 Extreme DUI

May 31, 2022 | Arizona Revised Statutes,BAC,Blood Alcohol Tests,DUI

The Arizona Legislature takes driving under the influence crimes very seriously. Alcohol use is a top cause of car accidents in the state, which makes it a key concern for Arizona lawmakers. DUI convictions are penalized heavily to warn drivers and others in the community away from committing similar crimes in the future. Call Us… read more

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Effects of Heat & Dehydration on BAC Level

July 21, 2021 | Blood Alcohol Tests

Alcohol already has a dehydrating effect on the body; if you are drinking alcohol on a hot summer’s day in Arizona, this can dehydrate you even faster. Although heat and dehydration themselves will not make you drunk, they can intensify the effects of alcohol. You may be more likely to be arrested for driving under… read more

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Breakdown of a DUI, Part two: Sobriety and BAC tests

March 5, 2018 | Blood Alcohol Tests

Once a police officer has stopped you on suspicion that you are driving under the influence of alcohol, there a number of … Blood Alcohol Tests

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Refusing to Take the BAC Test at a DUI Stop in Arizona

February 24, 2017 | Blood Alcohol Tests

The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test is a topic that has always sparked a lot of interest anytime it comes up within a … Blood Alcohol Tests

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