Category: Blood Alcohol Tests

Extra patrols added to combat drunk driving in Arizona

January 5, 2015 | Blood Alcohol Tests

It is no secret that Arizona takes drunk driving extremely seriously. Every year, countless families are affected by … Blood Alcohol Tests

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Know your limits to avoid conviction

November 25, 2014 | Blood Alcohol Tests

Everyone has different tolerance levels and all too often drivers are charged with being intoxicated behind the wheel when … Blood Alcohol Tests

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How reliable is a blood alcohol test?

October 14, 2014 | Blood Alcohol Tests

Being investigated for drunk driving can be a distressing experience. You may be worried about the chances of being charged … Blood Alcohol Tests

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What are the methods used to measure BAC?

September 23, 2014 | Blood Alcohol Tests

Determining your blood alcohol concentration is often an integral part of any investigation into allegations of driving under … Blood Alcohol Tests

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Keychain aims to help drivers manage blood alcohol content

July 31, 2014 | Blood Alcohol Tests

So many factors can affect how quickly your blood alcohol content increases that it can be difficult to keep track of whether … Blood Alcohol Tests

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