November 21, 2010 | DUI Drugs
The world’s view of marijuana, or pot, is changing. We see this with an ever-growing amount of states passing medical … DUI Drugs
November 7, 2010 | BAC
The era of the “Vampire Cops” is upon us. Well, I’m only kind of joking. The state of Arizona allows its police … BAC
October 31, 2010 | DUI Case
There is a provision in our Arizona law that punishes minors for having alcohol in their system while driving a car. It is … DUI Case
October 24, 2010 | BAC
What happens if I don’t want to give blood, breath, or urine to an Arizona police officer during a DUI investigation? Well, … BAC
October 17, 2010 | DUI Case
If your DUI lawyer is worth their weight in salt, one of the first things that they are going to do in your DUI case is … DUI Case