September 6, 2010 | DUI Arrest
If you drive a truck for a living, you are held to higher standard — even while driving your own private vehicle. As a … DUI Arrest
August 30, 2010 | General DUI Topics
It is somewhat up in the air, but home detention may soon be coming to Scottsdale. In April, the Scottsdale City Council … General DUI Topics
August 24, 2010 | DUI Case
One way that the police can stop you while driving in Arizona is if they have ‘reasonable suspicion’ that you’ve violated a … DUI Case
August 9, 2010 | DUI Arrest
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Tempe, Arizona, a series of events likely took place. Additionally, there is an issue … DUI Arrest
August 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
As a DUI defense attorney, I have been in many crime labs, and I’ve yet to see one that looks anything like those portrayed …