June 27, 2010 | Breath Alcohol Testing
If you are like me, the idea of a chili dog is both exciting and terrifying. I would have difficulty arguing with someone who … Breath Alcohol Testing
June 20, 2010 | DUI Arrest
Our last posts in this series (post 1, post 2, post 3) detailed three of the five different first offense DUI statutes (or … DUI Arrest
June 14, 2010 | DUI Arrest
As you can see from our last two blog posts, a first offense DUI in Arizona can be pretty bad. In our first blog in this … DUI Arrest
June 7, 2010 | DUI Arrest
So you’re starting to get the picture- a first offense DUI can be pretty bad. In fact, you can be charged with up to five … DUI Arrest
June 2, 2010 | DUI Arrest
Most people wonder how bad it can be when they get a first offense DUI in Arizona. However, DUI laws in Arizona are known to … DUI Arrest