May 31, 2022 | Arizona Revised Statutes,BAC,Blood Alcohol Tests,DUI
The Arizona Legislature takes driving under the influence crimes very seriously. Alcohol use is a top cause of car accidents in the state, which makes it a key concern for Arizona lawmakers. DUI convictions are penalized heavily to warn drivers and others in the community away from committing similar crimes in the future. Call Us… read more
Read MoreApril 27, 2022 | Drivers License Suspension Or Revocation,Drunk Driving,DUI
Driving without a license does not put you above Arizona’s drunk driving laws. You can still be arrested and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Arizona even if you don’t have a license. In fact, you will face additional charges and increased penalties on top of a DUI if you are illegally operating… read more
Read MoreApril 21, 2022 | DUI,DUI Consequences
No branch of the U.S. Armed Forces allows an individual with a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction to join. However, there are ways you can work around this rule if you wish to join the military with a DUI on your record. With assistance from a Scottsdale DUI lawyer, you can take advantage of… read more
Read MoreMarch 30, 2022 | Car Accident,DUI,DUI defense
It is not uncommon for drivers who are accused of driving under the influence (DUI) to wonder about the responsibility of the people who served them alcohol or encouraged them to drink past their limit on the day of an arrest. This may include a bar in Arizona, such as if a bartender continued to… read more
Read MoreMarch 25, 2022 | DUI,Second DUI,Third DUI
If Arizona is tough on DUI (driving under the influence) offenders, it is doubly so to repeat offenders. However, the courts recognize that harsher penalties alone are not always enough to prevent a driver from repeating the same behaviors and misconduct. The root cause of the issue – the driver’s substance abuse problem – must… read more
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