March 5, 2021 | DUI Arrest,News
DUI Arrests dropped in December during the 2020 holiday season, compared to 2019. Was this drop in DUI rates due to COVID-19? The holiday season is traditionally a big time for DUI arrests in Arizona. Every December, state troopers, sheriff’s deputies, and local police officers take to the highways and streets searching for alleged drunk… read more
Read MoreFebruary 24, 2021 | DUI
With nearly 225,000 registered weapons in 2019, Arizona ranks within the top percentage of gun ownership in the United States. People in Arizona own guns for many reasons including, but not limited to: Target practice and skeet shooting; Personal and family protection; and Hunting large and small game. It is no surprise that drivers facing… read more
Read MoreFebruary 19, 2021 | Field Sobriety Tests
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) is a condition where the eyes make repetitive and involuntary jerking movements while gazing to the side. HGN is involuntary, and the person experiencing the condition is unaware it is happening. Typically the higher a person’s blood alcohol concentration, the sooner their eyes begin jerking as they move to the side…. read more
Read MoreFebruary 15, 2021 | Field Sobriety Tests
Law enforcement officers ask drivers they suspect of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs to perform field sobriety tests, and drivers comply because these tests seem routine. Few Arizona drivers know they can refuse to perform these tests. Before making any decisions regarding field sobriety tests, drivers should know the following: The federally… read more
Read MoreFebruary 12, 2021 | DUI
One of the most common questions people ask our Scottsdale DUI lawyers is, “How do I pass a breathalyzer test?” The following article discusses the following: How breathalyzers work; Myths surrounding passing breathalyzer tests; and Conclusions on how to pass a breathalyzer test. How Breathalyzers Work When a person consumes alcohol, alcohol travels to the… read more
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