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Arizona Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Use & DUI Laws

February 8, 2021 | DUI Arrest,DUI Drugs

Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana Use In Arizona – Does This Stop Users From Being Arrested And Charged For DUI By Drugs? Since the legalization of recreational THC use here in Arizona, we have fielded a lot of questions about whether police can still arrest drivers for DUI when all they have consumed is THC.  Our… read more

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What To Do at a DUI Checkpoint

February 8, 2021 | DUI

Car accidents are the leading cause of death among healthy adults in the United States. The most common cause of fatal car crashes is drunk driving. While less than 4% of car crashes are related to drunk driving in Arizona, more than 30% of drunk driving crashes in Arizona are fatal. Due to the high… read more

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Arizona DUI Laws

February 5, 2021 | DUI

If anything, Arizona’s DUI laws and punishments are some of the strictest in the United States. Arizona takes driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs seriously, and so should anyone traveling Arizona roads.   Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Arizona is defined as driving under the influence of “intoxicating liquor, any… read more

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Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in Arizona?

February 1, 2021 | DUI

DUI checkpoints are an increasingly common tactic used by law enforcement throughout the United States. Generally coinciding with the busiest travel times, like state and federal holiday weekends, the goal of DUI checkpoints is to remove intoxicated and impaired drivers from the nation’s roadways. There are now nearly forty states in the United States conducting… read more

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BAC of over .20 DUI in Arizona

January 14, 2021 | BAC,DUI

A DUI arrest with a BAC over .20 In Arizona is serious. When a person is pulled over drinking and driving, it can be a scary situation. No state is tougher on drunk drivers than Arizona. Those who are convicted of a DUI face numerous consequences that can be life-altering. But for those who have… read more

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