February 27, 2017 | DUI Arrest
You face harsh penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) in Arizona. Leaving the scene of a DUI only complicates the … DUI Arrest
February 24, 2017 | Blood Alcohol Tests
The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test is a topic that has always sparked a lot of interest anytime it comes up within a … Blood Alcohol Tests
February 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
Inmates who are booked into the Maricopa County jail may release their property to anyone they choose. An inmate can choose …
February 2, 2017 | Drunk Driving Charges
The State of Arizona is serious about drunk driving. It is by far the most harsh state when it comes to sentencing if someone … DUI Arrest
January 19, 2017 | Drunk Driving Charges
Many people become despondent when they go home after an AZ DUI arrest and start googling. The overwhelming majority of … DUI Arrest