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Causes of False Positive DUI Tests

December 6, 2023 | DUI,Field Sobriety Tests

The police use various testing methods to determine if someone is driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately for the public, the devices and technology used can be flawed, leading to inaccurate and unreliable test results. At Rosenstein Law Group, we can help you argue against false positive DUI test results. Improper… read more

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Alternative Sentencing Options for DUI Offenders in Tempe

October 17, 2023 | DUI,DUI Consequences

Being convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Tempe, Arizona can come with serious consequences. While the penalties vary depending on the circumstances, prosecutors frequently seek jail and prison time for offenders. A DUI defense attorney can help by pushing for alternative sentencing options during your case, such as drug or alcohol screening. What… read more

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Do I Have to Attend Alcohol Education Classes After a DUI?

October 11, 2023 | DUI,DUI Consequences

If you get arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Arizona, you will most likely have to attend some form of alcohol education class. These classes are designed to address the underlying substance abuse issue and encourage reform. The number of educational course hours required will depend on the individual, his or her criminal… read more

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Preventing a Repeat DUI: What You Can Do

October 4, 2023 | DUI

Statistically, it is relatively common for people who are convicted once of driving under the influence (DUI) to get arrested for a second or subsequent DUI in the future. Repeat DUI offenders are subject to harsher penalties and consequences, such as longer jail sentences and license revocation. Use the following tips to reduce your chances… read more

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How Can Officer Misconduct Impact a DUI Case in Scottsdale, AZ?

September 20, 2023 | DUI,General DUI Topics

In a driving under the influence (DUI) case, law enforcement officers have a responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with the law and county procedural requirements. If an officer makes a mistake or intentionally violates a suspect’s rights, this police misconduct could be used as a defense against a DUI charge. With assistance from a… read more

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