August 27, 2015 | Underage Drinking
In Arizona, many drivers on the roads are under the age of 21. Owning a car can be extremely beneficial, allowing young … Underage Drinking
August 24, 2015 | Breath Test Refusal
Every year in Arizona, countless drivers are arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. Some do not realize that they are over … Breath Test Refusal
August 22, 2015 | Blood Alcohol Tests
In Arizona, it is a well-known fact that criminal charges can have a severe impact on your life even before you go to court … Blood Alcohol Tests
August 20, 2015 | DUI Charges
It is not uncommon for drivers in Arizona to be intercepted on suspicion of drunk driving. The slightest mistake can make … DUI Charges
August 18, 2015 | Field Sobriety Tests
If you are stopped while driving in Arizona, there is a chance that the officer who has pulled you over suspects you of drunk … Field Sobriety Tests