August 16, 2015 | Uncategorized
Holding a driver’s license is important to a lot of people as it greatly facilitates getting about, no matter where in the … Drivers License Suspension or Revocation
August 14, 2015 | DUI Charges
No matter how experienced you are as a driver, everyone has bad days or days when they are simply not as alert as they should … DUI Charges
August 5, 2015 | Felony DUI
In Arizona, a DUI conviction can turn your life upside-down. Whether it is considered a minor offense or a serious crime, the … Felony DUI
August 3, 2015 | Underage Drinking
In Arizona, being able to drive is extremely useful, and many young people get their license as soon as they are able to. … Underage Drinking
July 28, 2015 | Field Sobriety Tests
In Arizona, many drivers have been stopped at one time or another on suspicion of drunk driving. It is important to know your … Field Sobriety Tests