July 24, 2014 | Field Sobriety Tests
If you are stopped or investigated on suspicion of drunk driving, you may be asked to submit to a number of tests. This might … Field Sobriety Tests
July 17, 2014 | DUI Charges
If you are spotted or reported driving irresponsibly, there is a chance that you will be pulled over and investigated for … DUI Charges
July 15, 2014 | DUI Case
If you are ever in a situation where you are being accused of driving under the influence of drugs (prescription or illicit), … DUI Case
July 10, 2014 | Felony DUI
The prospect of facing criminal charges can be daunting and can cause some people to act rashly. When it comes to drunk … Felony DUI
July 10, 2014 | MVD
In Arizona, your driving record and any citations may affect your ability to maintain a license and drive without … MVD