June 7, 2013 | DUI Case
People who don’t live in Arizona, or even Arizonians who don’t live in Scottsdale or Maricopa County, are shocked when they … DUI Case
May 30, 2013 | Rosenstein Law Group News
For those of you who have had enough trying to decipher the legal and scientific nuances, but are interested in following … Rosenstein Law Group News
May 24, 2013 | DUI Drugs
The answer is a resounding yes. When someone is charged with a DUI, they are almost always charged with two separate DUI … DUI Drugs
May 21, 2013 | Rosenstein Law Group News
Rosenstein Law Group welcomes its fifth attorney, Ashley Sinclair, to the firm. We are excited to add her to the team. Ashley … Rosenstein Law Group News
May 15, 2013 | DUI Consequences
Reading little fine print is important. Because when you signed up for your driver’s license in Arizona you consented to … DUI Consequences