March 15, 2012 | DUI Arrest
Whether you know it or not, you have agreed to give an officer a blood, breath, or urine sample at their request if they have … MVD
March 5, 2012 | DUI Consequences
The short answer is: maybe. Right now the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) is figuring out how to implement some of the … DUI Consequences
March 1, 2012 | DUI Consequences
The most comprehensive DUI law changes since the 1990’s were passed this past legislative session. SB 1200 has completely … DUI Consequences
February 29, 2012 | DUI Consequences
Prior to the change in Arizona DUI laws in 2012, there were always four (4) mandatory requirements for any AZ DUI conviction: … DUI Consequences
January 6, 2012 | DUI Case
Only accountants and lawyers can tinker with things so much and get away with making a process so complicated that you need … DUI Case