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Most people are surprised when we tell them that urinating, in general, is one of the most commonly charged misdemeanor charges that we see in our office. Given that it may seem harmless to urinate in a dark, secluded area, most people are also surprised to learn that urinating in public is a class 1 misdemeanor.

Specifically, Chandler City Code Section 11-5 strictly prohibits urinating on any public sidewalks, any open path, road, roadway or highway, or in any public place of the park, which is easily visible or readily accessible from a public thoroughfare or public conveyance. It is apparent that while some of the areas that are prohibited are relatively clear-cut, not all of them are. Class 1 misdemeanor charges can result in damaging penalties, and the Rosenstein Law Group is here to help you mitigate or avoid those penalties. Call us for a free consultation at (480) 248-7666.


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