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After a DUI arrest, you face challenges in two areas of the law:

  • At the administrative level, the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) may suspend your driving privileges for up to 90 days or longer, depending on the circumstances of your charges and conviction.
  • At the criminal level, you must answer to charges brought by a prosecutor in court that you violated statutes prohibiting driving under the influence of alcohol.

The most important thing you need to do immediately after your DUI arrest in Chandler is to schedule an MVD license suspension hearing. The lawyers at Rosenstein Law Group are prepared to represent your interests at this hearing and seek to minimize or reverse your driver’s license suspension.

For this reason alone, you should call a Chandler DUI defense attorney as soon as possible.

We Will Vigorously Defend You

Most people in Arizona find it hard to go about their lives without transportation to work, school or elsewhere. Public transportation may not meet your needs. Your job and your personal and family life may be heavily dependent on your ability to drive.

Rosenstein Law Group has a track record of success representing drivers charged with DUI. We advocate on behalf of allegedly impaired drivers in all area courts and before the MVD. Our first order of business, if you hire us, will be to request a hearing to determine if a driver’s license suspension is warranted.

Contact a Phoenix License Suspension Hearings Lawyer

You must request a license suspension hearing within 30 days of the police officer filing the MVD complaint if you hope to recover and retain your driving privileges. Our DUI defense law firm represents clients at these hearings, but we must be contacted in time to contact the MVD in time to prevent the automatic suspension of your driver’s license for 90 days.

Many properly represented clients are eligible for a work permit that will let them continue driving to and from work after 30 days. In other cases, a DUI case is dismissed upfront and no license suspension applies.

Arizona DUI? License Suspension? We Can Represent You.

The lawyers at Rosenstein Law Group bring a depth of experience to advocacy on behalf of our clients. They are prepared to apply aggressive defense strategies aimed at obtaining the best attainable outcome in your Chandler DUI case. Located in Scottsdale, Rosenstein Law Group serves the entire Phoenix area and beyond.

Contact us regarding your Chandler license suspension hearing. Lawyer consultations are free at Rosenstein Law Group.


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