Arizona takes underage drinking very seriously, and a conviction for underage DUI can be extremely harmful to your child’s future. With Arizona’s “zero tolerance” view on these offenses, you need a sharp, aggressive defense attorney with the ability to secure the best possible outcome on your child’s behalf.

At Rosenstein Law Group, our DUI defense attorneys dedicate our entire practice to defending people accused of drunk driving and juvenile offenses. We understand what is at stake in these cases, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to avoid a conviction and preserve your child’s future.

Understanding Underage DUI In Arizona

Arizona statute ARS Section 4-244(34) forbids any person younger than 21 to drive with any detectable amount of alcohol in his or her system. Any measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can result in an underage DUI charge. “Traditional” DUI charges for a minor — alleging a BAC of .08 or higher — can carry even more serious penalties.

Even if your BAC measures just .01 percent, you can still be charged with “minor DUI” because there is a detectable level of alcohol present. This can mean a two-year driver’s license suspension, significant fines and a misdemeanor on your criminal record.

Arizona Has Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking and Driving

Were you stopped while driving and arrested on suspicion of underage DUI in Arizona? Our founding attorney, Craig Rosenstein, and the rest of the team at Rosenstein Law Group can fight on your behalf to help you avoid negative consequences.

A DUI arrest is scary and consequential for a person of any age. It is particularly poignant, however, to see a young person involved in the criminal justice system so early in life. An underage DUI conviction reveals two fundamental problems that society considers unacceptable:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, which may put other people at risk
  • Underage drinking, which society considers unhealthy and risky for teenagers

An underage DUI conviction in Chandler or elsewhere is likely to have the following negative consequences, among others:

  • Loss of your driver’s license for two years
  • Possible jail time
  • A criminal record that can follow you for a lifetime
  • Possible problems with college admission, student loan qualification, background checks connected with job applications and higher auto insurance rates

Free Consultation — Get Legal Help Today

It may be possible to avoid the worst consequences of a DUI arrest or even avoid conviction altogether. Call Rosenstein Law Group to schedule your free initial consultation with a lawyer. You can reach us by phone at 480-248-7666 or send us an email to get started. We are based in Scottsdale and serve clients throughout Arizona.


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