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Driving Under the Influence of Drugs is prosecuted just as often as Driving Under the Influence of alcohol, especially in college towns like Flagstaff where drug experimentation can be common. If you are charged with Driving Under the Influence of drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, LSD, mushrooms, or prescription medications, it is imperative that you contact an attorney with experience in handling Drug DUIs as quickly as possible.

There are two ways to be prosecuted for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs in the Flagstaff Municipal Court:

  • By driving while having any controlled drug or its metabolite in your system. This includes methamphetamine, LSD, cocaine, and most “street” drugs, but also drugs like oxycodone, Xanax, and other prescription medications. It is a defense to this charge that you had a valid prescription for the drug. You can also be prosecuted for
  • Driving while having any controlled drug or its metabolite in your system and being impaired to the slightest degree. It is not a defense to this charge to have a prescription.

Flagstaff Municipal Court Drug DUI Attorneys

The Rosenstein Law Group has the knowledge and depth of experience that you need if you are facing a Drug DUI in the Flagstaff Municipal Court. They have training and experience to deal with chemical testing methods used against you, the right experts to assist, and the legal know-how to attack the prosecution’s case.

Just because drugs were found in your blood does not mean you are guilty. The Rosenstein Law Group will use any defense available to prove that you were not impaired and that there was no drug in your blood. We use a proactive and personalized approach to obtain the best possible result in your Drug DUI case from the Flagstaff Municipal Court.

Free Consultations for Flagstaff Municipal Court Drug DUIs

Call 480-248-7666 or contact us online and schedule a free consultation today. The sooner you speak with us the sooner we can help you get the best possible result in your Flagstaff Municipal Court Drug DUI case.


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