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Flagstaff is a vacationer’s dream, with its mountain views, fresh air, and amazing weather. Regardless of whether you are here for an event, passing through, or visiting family, being arrested for a DUI in a State you do not live in brings difficulties that are not present for others. The Rosenstein Law Group is prepared to help alleviate those difficulties and fight on your behalf. Call today at 480-248-7666 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Goals for Out-of-State DUIs in Flagstaff Municipal Court

If you are charged with a DUI in the Flagstaff Municipal Court then our goals for you are simple:

  • Obtain a dismissal
  • Reduce the charges
  • Help your preserve your driving privileges
  • Avoid jail time
  • Obtain an acquittal at trial
  • Minimize in-person appearances in court for you

If avoiding jail is not an option then we can help you to serve the jail time in your home state to avoid extra travel costs. DUI charges in the Flagstaff Municipal Court can impact your driving record, your insurance rates, and the status of your driving privileges in your home state. A conviction for a DUI in the Flagstaff Municipal Court will result in a Class 1 Misdemeanor on your record until the enact of a new set of expungement laws in 2023.

Free Consultations for Out-of-State Drivers

If you are an out-of-state driver facing a DUI charge in the Flagstaff Municipal Court then the Rosenstein Law Group offers free consultations. Call today at 480-248-7666 or contact us online to find out what your options and defenses are in your case.