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The Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) boasts a law enforcement team focused on DUI arrests. However, that focus and aggressive approach in arresting drivers can lead to serious mistakes that result in wrongful arrests and serious constitutional rights violations.

Don’t risk your future. Call Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 for a free consultation with an experienced DUI defense lawyer.

A DUI Arrest by an Officer With the Arizona Department of Public Safety

There is no “cite and release” option (where an officer writes a ticket and then places you in a cab that takes you home) with the DPS. This is important because many people want the ability to have an independent chemical test performed following release. Blood and breath testing by the DPS takes place at a nearby DUI processing van. While some officers have received phlebotomy training, breathalyzer tests are the norm for DPS officers.

The van/mini processing center allows officers to arrest higher volumes of all violators, putting the officers back on DUI patrol sooner. The booking into county jail (4th Avenue Jail) is a tedious and somewhat unsanitary process that takes about 18 hours. While frustrated, our clients are encouraged to assert their constitutional right to remain silent.

In addition to his legal training, Craig Rosenstein — the founder of the Rosenstein Law Group — received training in field sobriety testing, forensic blood and urine testing, and Intoxilyzer 8000 administration. Possessing firsthand knowledge of the process and results provides him insight into tests administered by DPS officers that go wrong.

Contact an Arizona DWI Lawyer for a Free Initial Consultation

Work with an experienced attorney who will zealously fight for your rights. Contact us 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 480-248-7666 to request a free initial consultation. We will provide you the information you need about the next steps after a DUI arrest in Chandler, Scottsdale or elsewhere in Arizona.


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