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As board-certified attorneys in DUI Defense, Craig J. Rosenstein and Jonathan Goebel are two of only four attorneys in the entire state of Arizona who has obtained Board Certification in DUI Defense from the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD). They are the only two board certified DUI Defense attorneys in Maricopa County. The NCDD is a national organization dedicated to pursuing justice for those accused in DUI cases. Board certification can only be granted by this distinguished organization as it is the only one accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) to grant certification in this area of law.

According to the NCDD, the purpose of Board Certification is to acknowledge defense attorneys nationwide who demonstrate a high-level of competence in DUI defense. At Rosenstein Law Group, we find this to be a genuine reflection of Mr. Rosenstein’s dedication to excellence in DUI defense. This is a commitment our entire team of DUI defense team shares and takes action toward for each and every one of our DUI clients.

By meeting the following requirements, Rosenstein Law Groups attorneys became Board Certified in DUI Defense:

  • Passed the written examination that tested his knowledge of DUI law and defense
  • Passed the oral examination that tested his knowledge of DUI defense
  • Met all NCDD practice qualifications

The objectives of both the oral and written tests are to establish the attorney’s level of competence in DUI laws, ethical issues, drug recognition’s and field sobriety tests related to DUI defense.

In order to be certified as a criminal law specialist, a lawyer must meet several minimum qualifications, including:

  • At least 7 years of practice;
  • A minimum of 10 felony jury trial trials, of which 5 involved a mandatory imposable sentence of 5 years or more;
  • A minimum of 15 evidentiary hearings involving substantial contested issues of law or fact;
  • A minimum of 5 appeals, petitions for post-conviction relief, petitions for habeas corpus relief, or motions to vacate or set aside sentence under 28 USC 2255.
  • Substantial current involvement in criminal law during the 5 preceding years;
  • Demonstrate a substantially complete knowledge of substantive law, rules of practice, procedure, evidence, and ethics pertaining to criminal law, along with a high degree of skill, thoroughness, preparation, effectiveness, professionalism, and judgment;
  • References;
  • Pass a formal written exam

Once certified, a criminal law specialist must re-certify every 5 years.

Although other attorneys may practice exclusively in criminal law, board certified criminal law specialists are the only attorneys that are specifically identified by the Arizona State Bar Board of Legal Specialization as being Criminal Law Specialists.

What Does Having a Board-Certified Attorney Mean for You?

With your future and freedom at risk, the skills, knowledge and experience of your lawyer mean everything for your case. At our DUI and Criminal defense law firm you can be sure that one of our Phoenix DUI defense attorneys will be with you every step of the way, working hard to seek the best possible case results for your specific situation. As our client you can have confidence knowing that our firm utilizes every available resource to give you the most strategic advantage possible. As Board Certified in DUI Defense, our attorneys have met rigorous standards set forth by NCDD will use this deep understanding of DUI law to your advantage in Court. With so much at stake, make sure you obtain the only law firm in Maricopa County that has the only two Board Certified in DUI Defense attorneys working alongside each other.

Free Consultation — Contact Our Firm

To find out more about our experienced DUI defense team, contact Rosenstein Law Group today and request a free case evaluation.