If you were charged with drug possession in Arizona, but you’re from another state, you need to contact an Arizona criminal defense attorney immediately to understand what this means for you.
Rosenstein Law Group offers premium service to out-of-state clients who need help navigating the Arizona criminal process. Our attorneys may be able to take care of court appearances for you to reduce your travel and inconvenience.
Call us at 480-248-7666 for a free consultation about your case.
The way Arizona law stands, possession of any quantity of pot, other drug and associated paraphernalia results in felony charges. Conviction brings an automatic loss of rights as well as a lifelong stigma.
Background checks will show you are a convicted felon, and employers may be reticent to add you to the payroll. Conviction is detrimental, no matter how you look at it. That is why it is so important to have an experienced attorney representing you.
If you ultimately end up with a jail sentence, we will work with you to reduce the consequences of incarceration. In some cases, we may minimize jail time with alternatives like home detention or work release.
Additionally, we can work with you to arrange your incarceration at a facility in your home state.
You have a right to an attorney, and it is in your best interest to choose carefully.
Attorney Craig Rosenstein is certified in chemical testing, so he knows how to read results and how to challenge protocol. He has appeared before Superior Court in numerous cases and has been successful in getting charges reduced or dismissed.
Furthermore, Mr. Rosenstein is a member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) legal committee. He is committed to working with NORML and citizen activists to reform state and national marijuana laws.
For a free consultation about your drug possession charge, call 480-248-7666 or complete this form. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.