If you are under the age of 21 and are driving or in actual physical control of a car with alcohol in your system, you can be arrested, charged, and convicted of a DUI in Arizona, no matter how low your BAC was or if you live in another state.
An Arizona DUI defense attorney at Rosenstein Law Group may be able to take care of some of your court dates for you, potentially helping you avoid travel time and inconvenience. Call our office anytime, day or night, at (480) 248-7666 to set up your free Arizona DUI case evaluation.
A.R.S. § 4-244(34) states that it is unlawful “for a person under twenty-one years of age to drive or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while there is any spirituous liquor in the person’s body.” Because of this “zero tolerance” law, it is imperative that you have a DUI attorney that understands the ins and outs of DUI defense. Underage DUI cases take a comprehensive approach to find weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case and ensure that your rights are protected.
Contact the Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation.
If you are convicted of an underage DUI in Arizona, the penalties may include:
When people hear that Arizona is a zero-tolerance state for underage drinking and driving, they understandably get a sinking feeling, especially when they find out the potential consequences.
However, if you or your child has been charged with an underage DUI, do not simply accept the punishment and move on. These cases are very fact specific. With the proper defense-oriented investigation, you may be able to have your charges reduced or even dismissed.
One of the biggest concerns for people is losing a driver’s license for up to two years. This can cause many far-reaching consequences like an inability to find employment or commute to school at a young age. In addition, trying to find a ride for the next two years of your life is an inconvenience. Still, it can also become costly if you have to rely on alternatives like Uber and Lyft to get around.
At the Rosenstein Law Group, we can handle all aspects of your DUI arrest and case. We deal with the MVD and ADOT so that we can fight any potential license suspension. At the same time, we challenge the prosecutor’s evidence so that we can obtain the best possible result for your case.
At Rosenstein Law Group, our DUI defense lawyers have handled 1000’s of DUI cases successfully for clients in Arizona.
We look at why the police stopped you, your initial interaction with the police, field sobriety tests, and BAC testing from the time of sample collection to lab analysis. In addition, we analyze forensic toxicology results to look for errors and human variables in the testing methods used by police and their crime labs to challenge toxicology results.
Defending your case based on science is only one part of our comprehensive defense approach.
We know that facing zero-tolerance underage DUI laws is an uphill battle, so we also conduct our investigation to discover legal issues such as violating your right to counsel or improper coercive tactics to get you to consent to blood or breath testing. These legal issues may lead to suppression of evidence or dismissal of charges altogether.
If you ultimately end up with a jail sentence, we will work with you to reduce the consequences of incarceration. In some cases, we may minimize jail time with alternatives like home detention or work release.
Additionally, if you do not live in Arizona, we can work with you to arrange your incarceration at a facility in your home state.
If you are facing underage DUI charges, you cannot afford any missteps in building your defense. However, with the right approach and circumstances, it is possible to avoid the worst consequences of a DUI arrest or even avoid a conviction altogether.
Contact the experienced DUI attorneys at Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation and case evaluation.