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During your DUI arrest in Carefree or Cave Creek, the officer may have used some of the following tests:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, or HGN. In this test, the officer moves an object, often a pen or their finger, in front of your eyes to look for eye movement
  • Tests which require you to balance, like the one leg stand or the walk and turn. The purpose of these tests it to look at your divided attention ability as well as your motor skills
  • Recitation tests, like saying the alphabet or counting backwards

These tests are commonly used but are flawed. If they are used against you, the Rosenstein Law Group can help you counter them. Contact the Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 or online to find out how.

Carefree-Cave Creek Consolidated Court Defense Lawyer

The lawyers at the Rosenstein Law Group have aggressive, smart, and effective strategies to help fight against field sobriety tests being used in your Carefree-Cave Creek Consolidated Court DUI case. Those tests are not always administered properly, and officers lie about them to hide the truth. We can help you convince juries, judges, and prosecutors to disregard the results of the field sobriety tests used in your case.

Should I Do Field Sobriety Tests

Arizona’s Implied Consent law does not require you to participate in all field sobriety tests. You are required to give a blood, breath, or urine sample upon request or face a long license suspension, but there are ways to get around implied consent. Call us to discuss how.

Free Consultation

Don’t face your DUI in Carefree-Cave Creek Consolidated Court alone. It is likely that field sobriety tests were used against you and you need help from an experienced and knowledgeable DUI attorney to help you get the best results possible. Call the Rosenstein Law Group today at 480-248-7666 or online and set up your free consultation.


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