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A DUI conviction can carry severe penalties. When an accident occurs and an individual is injured or killed, however, a Class 1 misdemeanor can very easily turn into a felony charge. It is vital that you have skillful representation if you have been charged with aggravated assault where DUI is involved. Our legal team is led by Craig Rosenstein, the only lawyer in Maricopa County who is board-certified in DUI defense, and we are confident in our ability to help you avoid a conviction.

Call us at 480-248-7666 for a free case evaluation.

Penalties for DUI Accident Charges

If you are charged with driving while intoxicated and injuring someone in an accident, you will face felony charges. Penalties for conviction will include up to 18 years in prison, over $5,500 in fines and surcharges, at least three years’ license revocation, five years of probation and many other penalties. You could be forced to undergo mandatory drug/alcohol screening and counseling. You will also have to install an ignition interlock device, which acts like a breathalyzer and will not allow your car to start if it detects alcohol in your system.

How We Can Help

In addition to the other penalties, you could have a felony conviction on your criminal record for life. It is vital that you seek legal representation to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. A Chandler DUI attorney from Rosenstein Law Group can provide you with the skillful representation you need. We offer a free case evaluation so that you may obtain legal advice without any financial obligation or commitment on your part.

Free Consultation With an Attorney

Contact our firm today to discuss your case. When you choose our firm, we will aggressively defend your rights and freedom.


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