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Getting a DUI in Chandler is serious, and so are the penalties that come with a DUI conviction. Penalties for a DUI conviction can increase dramatically if you have prior DUI convictions. Whether or not a prior DUI conviction can be used against you in Chandler could mean the difference between misdemeanor and felony charges.

Prior DUI Convictions – Out of State Driver

DUI convictions arising out of any county or municipality located in Arizona can be used against you in Chandler. However, this may not be the case for prior DUI convictions arising outside of the state of Arizona. For the government to be able to use a prior out of state DUI conviction against you here in Arizona, they must prove that the conduct outlined in the foreign state’s DUI law would also be a violation of Arizona DUI laws. While this may sound fairly straightforward, this question often gets painstakingly meticulous.

Each state’s DUI laws are drafted uniquely and often rely on other sections of that state’s codified laws and interpreting court opinions. Courts have argued for years about which state’s DUI laws can or cannot be used against a defendant in Arizona and the attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group consistently keep up with these developments. If the government tries to use a prior out of state DUI conviction against you—you need experienced representation.

Get our Team of Experienced DUI Defense Attorneys Working on Your Case Today

At the Rosenstein Law Group, our attorneys are dedicated to staying up to date with both in and out of state court opinions and have significant experience in dealing with keeping out of state prior DUI convictions out of the courtroom. If you are charged with a DUI in Chandler, and have an out of state prior DUI conviction, you must contact an attorney that is not only experienced with DUI laws in Arizona but is experienced with DUI laws in foreign states. You can count on the Rosenstein Law Group to do our best to keep the government from using your out of state prior DUI conviction against you in Arizona courts. Call (480) 248-7666 for your free consultation now.







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