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Did you submit to chemical testing in connection with your Fountain Hills DUI charges? Rosenstein Law Group urges you to talk to a knowledgeable DUI defense lawyer to explore aggressive defense strategies that strengthen your bid for case dismissal, reduction of charges or acquittal at trial.

It is well-known that PBTs (preliminary breath tests) are not reliable, but police persist in persuading people to submit to them anyway. Under the stress of a traffic stop on suspicion of drunk driving, many people act without understanding their rights – and sometimes the “evidence” that is obtained in this manner is clearly flawed and cannot be verified.

How Did Police Gather the Urine Sample in Your Case?

Urine sample testing is also problematic in many cases. It could be difficult for police to prove that a urine sample was not contaminated – or to prove where the sample was at all times before it was analyzed and used as a basis for criminal charges. Scientifically, urine is not a way to determine what is in a person’s body.

Was the Blood Alcohol Testing Done Properly Before Your DUI Arrest in Phoenix?

Many biological factors can skew the results of a blood alcohol test. If the level of BAC in question lies somewhere on the borderline between DUI and extreme DUI, or between extreme DUI and super extreme DUI, stakes may be very high. You are strongly advised to consult with a DUI lawyer who will aggressively defend your rights.

Talk to a Fountain Hills DUI Chemical Testing Lawyer

Contact Rosenstein Law Group (located in Scottsdale and serving the entire Phoenix metro area) by phone or e-mail to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney.

Call us today at 480-248-7666 for a free case evaluation.


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